Four-megahertz radiowave surgery is a relatively new technology usage of which rapidly expands reaching superior results compared to other surgical techniques. Radiosurgery is an atraumatic method of cutting and coagulation of soft tissues that uses optimal low heat 4.0MHz source for numerous plastic, esthetic and cosmetic interventions which require surgical precision, penetration control and low temperature. This technology allows us to simultaneously cut and coagulate surrounding tissue with minimal lateral tissue alteration, without burning damage and with better wounds healing. This mode is used by the author in anatomical areas of high vascularity and for the deeper tissue of the head and neck.
The pure cutting wave form is ideal for skin excision with othoplasty and blepharoplasty when we expect ideal esthetic result. Coagulation is obviously paramount for any surgeon and can make the difference between a good and poor result. When he coagulates tissues in the head and neck, the surgeon is frequently close to significant structures such as nerves and vessels which must be protected.Ellman Sugitron 4,0 offers great advantages. One of the strongest points of the Ellman system is the large array of specialized electrodes. By bending the malleable electrodes we can use them at any angle or even around corners.
The Author has done surgical procedures on over 300 patients using this technique on different esthetic problems with satisfying results. In operative material dominate various skin growths (haemangioma, fibroma, wart, nevus, etc.), othoplasty, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and other numerous surgical procedures.Interventions were done under local or general anesthesia.
results show that this technology have great advantage over other
techniques (scalpel, laser, electrocouter) out of which the most
important ones are simultaneous cutting and coagulation, coagulation in
liquid medium, minimal thermal damage of lateral tissues, faster healing
of wounds with excellent cosmetic results. If we want surgery without
cut, cut without scar, Ellman Surgitron is the best choice.Treatment
with radio-frequency waves is simple and easy, and device is designed
to be transportable, comfortable for use even in ambulances. It is the
latest treatment method in plastic surgery and surgery of soft tissues.
By using five different working regimes (cut, cut-coagulation,
hemostasis, fulguration and bipolar), when correctly chosen, it gives
great possibilities in medicine and surgery.
When precision, safety and esthetics quality is requested, we use
Surgitron 4,0 MHz. Scarce tissue is minimized and cosmetics result is
superior. For elimination of benign changes on skin (on skin surface,
above surface, pigmented, non-pigmented, vascular etc.) priority is
given to radio surgery. Using "shaving" method benign changes can be
eliminated. Malignant changes on skin can be eliminated by excision.
Using radio wave micro fiber electrode, micro-incision can cut tissue with utmost precision, and low temperature emitted during that time on surrounding tissue does not border optimal healing of wound.For many of surgeons hemostasy is great problem and can make differences between good and bad results.
When coagulation is made close to the important structures, as nerves or blood vascularity area, priority is given to the radio waves. In those situations ball shaped electrode is find to be excellent. It can be shaped under different angles and, thanks to that, it can afford hemostasy in hard reaching regions, especially in caverns or under the flap, when direct visibility is hard to achieve.
Because of blood presence in region, different surgical interventions on head and neck request use of that kind of technique. To surgeons, big assortment of electrodes makes their work safe and easy, and to patients fast returns to normal life activities. As in the case of other electro surgeon devices, radio wave surgery can also generate complications and dangers.
The most frequent are aside tissue accidences and they are prerogative mistakes of surgeons. Above-mentioned choose of optimal voltage, appropriate electrode, mode, continually, can prevent complications by gently moving electrodes through tissue, without speed retard and rest. Smoke that comes during intervention can be easily absorbed. Radio-wave generators can interference other medical appliances, monitors and particularly patients with pacemaker. Up-to-date pacemakers do not pose problems and interventions with radio/waves are routine.
Characteristics of that technique are shaping incision according to patological-morfological substrate, what is hard to achieve in conventional way. Submucosis interventions (under mucous membrane in nose shells, soft palate, uvula, tongue etc.) used in snore therapy are unique technique of radio-wave surgery.
To surgeons, interventions with radio waves on rinofime are of great help. During intervention in highly blood rich region as nose is, incision and hemostasy are simultaneously applied. During all time of intervention Surgitron works symmetrically on program combination with maximum power settled on middle scale. As knife, a special electrode is being used. Parts of skin with changes are put off, leaving region to become covered with new one. To patients with such kind of illness, that method and technique represent "gold standard".
Incision without pressure on tissue - Simultaneously done incision and coagulation
Coagulation even in liquid environment- Submucosis interventions
Possibility of shaping active electrode according to anatomy variations of the treatment region
No danger from electro-shock or burning effect from passive electrode
Minimum of aside tissue accidence- Minimized bleeding- Faster healing
Wide spectrum of use in different medical disciplines - Suitable for work in ambulances - Economic in exploitation, etc.
Radio-frequency wave application in esthetic surgery of head and neck
Specijalistička ordinacija za bolesti uva, nosa i grla "DR VUKOJE "
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