eksperti o doktoru vukoju

Prim. Dr Novak Vukoje

prvi je u bivšoj Jugoslaviji operisao pacijenta koji je patio od notornog hrkanja i noćnog gušenja. Izveo je preko hiljadu  hirurških intervencija kod bučnih spavača. Dr. Vukoje ima vlastitu inovativnu tehniku za rešenje uvulo-palatinalne opstrukcije za koju je dobio zlatnu medalju od Medjunarodnog zirija na Medjunarodnom salonu inovacija u Moskvi 2008 god. Ubeđen je da daleka budućnost lećenja ovih sindroma nije u hirurškim postupcima, mada  oni u ovoj fazi razvoja medicinske nauke ostaju primarni. Ovom delu ljudske patologije kod nas se još uvek ne pridaje dovoljno pažnje.

Mišljenje poznatog stručnjaka u Evropi prof. dr. Magne Tvinnereim-a iz Norveške o metodi dr Vukoja: Dr. Novak Vukoje-Novi Sad, Serbia // The Arco-Palato-Uvular Flap


This surgical method has been developed by the acknowledged Serbian ENT-surgeon Novak Vukoje. Through the last years this experienced clinician has seen a need for such a procedure which naturally takes place in a segment for patients with snoring, RERA and mild to moderate Sleep Apnea. It is especially suitable for patients in the group with increased persistent obstructive problems in whom tonsillectomy has been performed earlier, and in the group with broad and fluffy pillars and palatal arches. It is very wisely not recommended if the RDI exceeds 15, the SaO2 is beneath 5% or the BMI surpasses 32 kg/m2. Besides being easy to perform, though usually und er general anesthesia, it also takes into account the various pitfalls occurring in other procedures, often leading to a poor success rate. These are such as postoperative palatalscarring and fibrosis with concomitant narrowing and too much stiffening, rather increasing the preoperative afflictions than solving them. Additionally this method results in an important remaining increased transversal oropharyngeal diameter, statistically shown to be of great importance regarding this disease. By preservation of the great bulk of midline uvulo-palatal tissue, the most unfavorable side effect, nasal regurgitation, is avoided. This makes it possible to postoperatively adjust to CPAP treatment as well. Several years of follow up results have proven the Arco-Palato-Uvular Flap to be a well tolerated, efficient and recommendable procedure for the defined target group. 

Mišljenje prof. dr. Rajka Igića o metodi dr. VukojaDr. Novak Vukoje - Novi Sad,

Serbia Rajko Igić, MD, Ph.DSenior Scientist Department of Anesthesiology and Pain ManagementJ. Stroger Hospital of Cook CountryCHICAGO, IL 60612USA


The Arco-Palato-Uvular FlapIt is a great pleasure to write this letter in support of Dr. Vukoje.

Novak' s promotion to the Serbian Academy of Innovative Sciences (SAIS). I have known Dr. Novak for many years , I was his teacher  at the University of  Sarajevo. Three years ago, Dr. Novak visited our hospital and he presented us his novel method for surgical treatment of snoring and obstrucitve sleep apnea.

He also described this method in his book and publications in various journalas. For this achievement he recived several awards, including the Golden Medal for Innovative Technique in Moscow 2008.Based on his past accomplishments, I strongly recommend Dr. Novak for promotion at the SAIS..

Vladimir Ćuk predsednik najveće svetske organizacije osoba sa invaliditetom dao je izjavu za medije i izrazio zahvalnost nakon dve manje  hirurške intervencije  dr Novaka Vukoje, kojima je rešio zdravstveni problem, koji nisu bili u mogućnosti da reše lekari u Americi.

Specijalistička ordinacija za bolesti uva, nosa i grla "DR VUKOJE "

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